Saturday, November 12, 2011

The "Mature Ladies of Valle Alto" weekends

Kitty and I really enjoy our weekends. Let me clarify, in case you are wondering why this is. (And if you are not wondering, it is best just to stop reading now...because I am sure I am going to ramble).

My Whitney moved out of my house at the beginning of the school year. She and her friends are living in this little house in which I am sure that they have a great time, and do things that 20 year olds do..most of it in which I don't want to know. When she did so, I still had Kitty and the amazing Tila Monster in my possession. And although I am very fond of Tila on many levels, there are some things about Tila that make living with her an endurance event:
  1. She is slightly crazy..and those of you who know her will agree.
  2. She is VERY excited to see anyone and everyone. There is not a part of her body that doesn't move when someone has the fortune to stop by my house. Her body moves kind of like a highly agitated washing machine on the spin cycle. 
  3. She considers it her duty in life to up my aerobic training by constantly grabbing items from places that I haven't put high enough out of her reach. And then she considers it a game for me to get it from her.  I have become very adept at the phrase, "Drop it!" And although she is getting better at listening to that phrase, there are times I wish I could run like a very fast runner (whose name escapes me at the moment) so I can catch her. This doesn't happen, however...because she is a very fast dog. 
  4. If I do sit down, she spends a lot of time (I think she is in contact with my trainer) putting bones, chew toys, her wubba in my lap so I can spend time tossing them, tugging them, or petting her. Shame on me for forgetting my duties as a dog grandma.
  5. She also gets up in the night, because she IS  potty trained..and she needs to go outside to do her business. However, the other night (when I had to do my business) I walked out of the bathroom to find her with my BRAND NEW (and expensive, I might add) glasses in her mouth. I am amazed I could see this, because it was dark, and I am extremely near sighted. She did drop them, but not before she twisted the arm of the frame, and put a small chomp in one of the lenses. The only reason that she is alive at this moment is because (Thank God) my glasses are under warranty, and only cost  forty dollars to replace.

In short, she is a puppy. 

When you have children, there is a mantra that goes like this..." Mom, I want (fill in the blank here), and I PROMISE that I will do all the work, take care of it, and you won't have to worry about it AT ALL." And when you have children, you KNOW that the mantra was made with all the best intentions in the world, but sometimes the follow-through doesn't...well...doesn't follow through. 

This was the case with Tila.. 

However, when Whit did move out, she did a wonderful thing. We now share "joint dog custody" of Tila. I have her weekdays, and she has her weekends, allowing Kitty and I some respite from a one year old puppy who considers it her duty in life to bug poor Kitty, who is just trying to take a nap and rest. 

So Kitty and I enjoy our "Mature Ladies of Valle Alto" which we can sit without being licked to death, put objects in normal places where they will not be snatched by the "Tilanator" and generally rest up for her return on Monday morning. And it is nice....

But I have to say, she does bring a bit of dog excitement to my life, and I'm glad to see her when she returns.

Wonder where I can hide my new glasses at now? 

(Tila plotting her next item to snatch...I think she really is concerned about my aerobic health, after all).

Have a Mature, relaxing, weekend too. 

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