Saturday, November 19, 2011

The Happy of Me-the second edition

Since it is Thanksgiving, it is now time for the second edition of the "Happy of Me." I feel sad for Thanksgiving. It seems as these days that the Christmas season just steamrolls over Thanksgiving, and it does not get the credit that it deserves. The one thing that I have learned (angels applauding here) is that I have many, many, many, many (did I mention many?) things to be thankful for..and that is what the Thanksgiving season is for. (Not to mention the yummy Thanksgiving meal leftovers..after all, there is nothing better than a turkey sandwich with Miracle Whip, cranberry sauce, and left over dressing. Nothing).

So here are the things that I am thankful for-the second edition. To be honest, I am not sure if I have a first edition, but I know I have talked about things I am thankful for I am counting this as the second edition. Besides, it sounds better.

Here we go..prepare for major rambling.

  1. My job. I know this may sound strange, as much grumbling that I have done in previous blogs. But the fact of the matter is that even though my job may be tricky at times, and I feel at times that I am highly inadequate to the task at hand, the fact of the matter is that I am exactly where I am supposed to be at the moment, doing exactly what I need to be doing. And when I look around and see families that have lost homes and possessions due to losing a job, I am very thankful indeed.  And seeing the children that go to Colinas makes me realize just how fortunate I am . I am also thankful for the people that I work with everyday, even though they do make a scrunchy face and flee when I threaten to sing. So thank you Rio Rancho Public Schools for hiring me. (even though I still contend that they were desperate.)
  2. Whitney and Dena. Both amazing..both love me..and I sure love them. 

3. My friends. I am not sure where I would be without them today..they support me, laugh with me,  and love me as I continue to learn many, many, many life lessons..and I hope that they know how much I love them and would do anything for them.  I can't imagine what my life would be without them. I hope I never have to imagine.

4. Kitty and Tila. They give me a purpose, and are always entertaining. Always. They are the best therapy a dork like me could have. 
5. My job at Sagebrush. I get to work with amazing and wonderful  people..and finally, there is a purpose to my goofiness and dorkyness. Double bonus.

6. My home. It IS my home. I am happy when I am here, I am happy when I work on it..and for the first time in I can't tell you, I am even happy when it's a bit messy. That never EVER happened before.  I think it goes to show you when you let go and let things happen like they should, things take care of themselves. And control is not so important as peace.

7. My crepe myrtles. They bloomed this summer, and are a happy reminder of the South for me. Kind of like having a bit of North Carolina in my New Mexico backyard.

8. My lawnmower. I love to mow, and it was "What a bargain." Can't ask for more than that. 

9. My new glasses. I can FINALLY wear glasses, and not have crowds running screaming out of the room. They are very hip and trendy. And even though Tila got ahold of them, and chomped them (not a happy moment) I am even more thankful that they were under warranty and didn't cost a lung transplant to replace them. 

10. My ficus plant. This is a story about the power of Facebook. I had been looking for one for sometime, but I didn't have any luck finding one. And I really needed one for the empty corner of my den. So one day I asked on Facebook if anyone knew where I could get one that didn't weigh as much as a two-ton truck. And one of my friends, Debbie, actually gave me one that is now sitting very happily in my den. Thank you, Debbie.

11. Jackson Reid. Best and happiest baby (well, I guess he is a toddler) ever. And no, I am not in the least bit biased. 

12. My iPhone. It does almost everything except washing dishes...and I am sure if I looked, there would be an app for that. 

13. The lessons that I keep learning. Once again, I know that I grumble and complain about going through stuff, but I have realized that there are reasons I go through these lessons. With every experience I have, I learn more about who I am, and what I want. Not what I think others want, or about what someone I like might want, but about what I need, and the standards that I have. At times this makes me feel a bit guilty still, but then I stop and realize that taking care of me means just that...if I care enough about myself, I need to make myself a priority. Least I hope that's the path I'm on. 

14. .Learning that I am really not that bad. I am happy with who I am, and where I am in life. I am so thankful to wake up every morning, and realize that I am happy with me ..and that everyday is a chance to learn more about myself and realize it is more important to be happy in the present than wistful about the past, or worried about the future. Cause what happens is supposed to happen.  Of course, I have my moments..but they are getting fewer and less frequent. I think. At least that is my theory at the moment.

15. And last but not least...(I know you must be breathing a sigh of relief I'm almost done)
I am thankful for my new fuzzy red blanket that keeps me warm, and that best of all, I won as a present at Pokeno. I do like to win. And the fact that it is cute, fuzzy, and warm is a bonus. Now if it only came with a Sharpie, it would be perfect.

I hope you have a Thanksgiving that is full of things you are thankful for..and that you don't let Christmas run over it.  Just saying. :-)

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