Saturday, November 26, 2011

Tenacity...and I Mean It.

I am kind of proud of myself at the moment. And the whole reason that I am proud is because of a set of tires. Seems funny to be proud of, doesn't it? So I am sure that you are waiting for me to explain.

So here goes.

I bought my first car on my own after I left Crazy Land. I was pretty happy about that as well. This is the car that has to last me until I am 85. I try to take good care of it, and save it from as much Lab hair as I can. Which takes doing, I might add. But Kitty loves to ride in the car, and she listens to me when I sing off she deserves  it.
I knew that I needed new tires for some time. I was in denial that I did, however. Although I did have my friends that were men check on the status of my tires. I am not in total denial, I might add. When I went for my 25,000 checkup (I am doing my best to take good care of my car, as you can see) I was told that my tires were on their last legs, so to speak. Something about having 2/13 or something of tread left on the tires. I gathered this was not a good thing.

So off I went to Discount Tires, with great trepidation, I might add as well.  I am a "rip off" magnet for tire guys. I'm single, naive, and know absolutely nothing about tires..except there are four of them, and they are black.  I am fortunate and have a little light thingy that looks like a tire (I think) that tells me when the air in my tires are low. So that means I go to Discount Tires and they refill them for me so I can drive, and so the light goes out.

At Discount Tire I talked to a young man named Tyler that looked like he was 15. Maybe 16 on a good day. Tyler explained to me that I needed tires that had a "V" rating, since it seems as if my tires and car are equipped to go at least 139 miles an hour. (Does he not know that I am a principal and can end up in the paper for things like that? And that I am terrified of heights and stuff?) I don't know if heights adds into the equation of going fast, but I thought I'd throw it out there just in case.  He described some tire that I have never heard of in my life..since I apparently don't do much out of town driving, and this tire has good gas mileage for some reason. (Makes me wonder if the tires hold extra gas in them for the better gas mileage). What is the difference between a "good gas mileage" tire and one that apparently has "bad gas mileage"? That is something for me to investigate later, or when I get more interested in tires. I can't see that happening, however.

I thanked Tyler, and went home. I did ask my head custodian, who is a man type guy if he recognized the tire brand, and he told me that he didn't but his brother did. This was not helpful. So since this was my weekend to go to Costco to get batteries to replace the ones that have been in the smoke and carbon dioxide detectors for a year, I stopped by the Costco Tire Center to see what kind of deal they had. They had a better deal, with Bridgestone tires, that also had "good gas mileage"..and they were over a hundred dollars less. So since Discount Tires price matched, I called them..and of course they would do this.

So why am I sitting at the nearest Starbucks instead of being home at the moment? I know you can hardly wait to find out.

I left my tires, went to Starbucks to work on my church curriculum things, and waited. When they were ready, I got my keys..and then I looked at the receipt. (Sometimes I am smart).

Guess what tires they put on my car?

The "I don't have a clue how to pronounce or even spell" tires.


So I marched myself back to the counter, and very nicely (but firmly explained) that these were not the tires I bought. Tyler (we are now on first name terms now) explained to me that he thought I was price matching his original deal.

Wrong. I was not.

So I disregarded Tyler, and spoke to an older Discount Tire man who I think is named Craig. He at least looks as if he is in his 30s. He apologized, and gave me Yokohama tires that cost 200 hundred dollars more for the same price. He said that I was getting "an amazing deal."
I hope he is truthful. If not, may all the tires that have grease and gunk on them fall down on him, and trap him in the oil trap.

Tenacity does pay off. 

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