Saturday, November 12, 2011

The people you meet on planes..and Phoenix.

This week, I got to go on an exciting adventure. Due to a series of events (and the kindness of Robert) I got to go to a conference about Singapore Math in Phoenix. (Well, actually it was in Scottsdale, but we landed in Phoenix).

Usually I get on a plane, make small talk with the people beside me, and then read or look outside the plane trying to figure out where in the heck we are. I always thought they should have big balloons up in the sky that read "You are passing Dallas, Texas".  However, no one seems to like that idea. It would be a good way to pass the time while flying, though.

This time was different. The plane going to Phoenix was packed, and I sat next to a women that was on her way to Scottsdale. She is training to be a Life Coach, working with Martha Beck. Martha Beck is one of the people whose books I've been reading to be more in the now. (Isn't it interesting how there are no coincidences in  life?) We talked about how she is training and what is happening in her life, and she recommended a new author for me to read: Bryon Katie. So of course that new author is now on my iPad. She seems to have a life in which she has a home  in New Mexico with a man who gets upset if he has less than a million dollars in his checking account. (Really? I am happy if I have 1000 dollars in mine) And now she is looking for a home in Phoenix to be near her daughter and grandchildren.  But the best part was hearing about the Life Coaching classes, and thinking that perhaps that might be an option for me. If you think about it, most of my job is listening and problem solving with others. Or trying to, at least.  We traded phone numbers at the end of the trip, and she is going to let me know how her Martha Beck retreat went.

Then I landed in Phoenix. I have been to several nice conferences, but this one kept my mouth open most of the time in amazement. We were met at the airport by a stretch limousine .  A stretch limousine. Holy Cow. (I don't get out much, I know).  We got to the hotel, which was also amazing. I was in a suite with a balcony overlooking the pool and the golf course...with two beds, and an actual shower that worked.  (you know how hotel showers can be).

Then there was the conference. They had the actual inventor (well, author I guess is a better word) of the Singapore Math model who was the main speaker. He was from Singapore, naturally. They just call this model "math" in Singapore, not Singapore Math.  They also had several incredible keynote speakers as well. I met the lady who wrote the "Calendar Math" program that I used when I taught. THAT was exciting. I am sure she was thrilled as I explained to her how great I thought her program was, and how I wished I had brought the book for her to sign. Although I gave the book away. Rats.

I met a lot of professionals in the field of education as well. It was kind of reassuring to find out that most people are facing the same situations we are..and that we need to be appreciative in Rio Rancho. Most class sizes were a lot higher than what we complain about having. There were class sizes in some states of forty children. Forty children. Holy Cow.

I also believe that the sponsors of this conference felt as if we had been in some kind of German concentration camp, and needed to be fed. A lot. There was a lot of food, in all varieties and a cheesecake chimichanga. Let me just say that after being persuaded to take one bite, the heavens opened and the angels sang. It took all the willpower I had to not stab my fork and eat the rest of it.  But I thought of Torturous Dave, the trainer, and resisted.

Then it was time to go, sadly. We departed in the stretch limousine, and traveled back to the airport. This time I sat next to a lady who looked like an older version of a model on the cover of Vogue..(and this is the best part) she had a Louis Vuitton purse.
The mother ship of purses, I might add.

Being me, I complemented her on her good taste, and she shared with me that she inherited a whole collection of Luis Vuitton ware from her late mother. Purse, garment bag, suitcases, etc. Once again, my mouth was open in awe. This fact led to her story of which she has dual outside of Phoenix, where she lives in her late mother's home. The other life she has is in Corrales, where she shares a gigantic house with her boyfriend, who actually searched for her..and found her, since they were a couple in high school. He is a lawyer that travels to Wyoming , where he visits his adult children and grandchildren. I'm not sure if he gets anxious if he has less  than a million dollars in his checking account...but I don't think the issue of money is an issue with either one of them. 

We talked about the dating world, and how all her gorgeous friends are having trouble finding a man who is actually normal. (This does not bode well for me, then, I might add). She did say that I should come and visit them in their huge house. Perhaps she will give me a leftover Luis Vuitton purse.

I am always hopeful. :-)

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