Sunday, October 16, 2011

Sometimes days are just like that...and random thoughts in October.

Our school has been without a working voice mail system for a while. When I say for a while, I mean since last spring. This has been an issue because the voice mails somehow get out there in "voice mail land". They must take a trip to Disney World, perhaps spend the day at the beach, and somehow end up in voice mail boxes a couple of days later. This has made any kind of credibility that we have in being responsive quite difficult....but everyone has been understanding for the most part when we try to explain messages are taking some kind of TransSiberian Train ride before they come to our phones.

We finally got new phones on Monday. This was very exciting, because new stuff is just...well, new, and a bit different, and new phones have absolutely nothing to do with data or test score improvement. This is a nice diversion sometimes.   The phones are quite hip and trendy, and come with all kinds of digital buttons and screens and features that most of us have no idea what to do with at the moment.  And we can't use the intercom system, because they have to some how magically sync the phones with the intercom system. However, the new phones do have a paging system that will let you page and make announcements over the phone. All this feature has done so far is scare our staff members half to death. One of our fifth grade teachers typically keeps his phone in his room closet (no comment here about that :) and he said that it was a little disturbing the other afternoon to hear my voice coming out of his closet.  It doesn't take much to entertain us at Colinas.

Along with the phones, we had a deadline today in which the teachers would turn in their Professional Development Plans (or PDPs ) to us. Since today was the last day, I spent most of my time in meetings going over these plans with individual teachers. And it rained. All day. In New Mexico, we need the rain...but having rain leads to inclement weather day..which leads to fear and dread among teachers and staff. Let's just say that children do best when they are outdoors during recess, running amok. ( I love the word amok. Don't ask me why. It is a word that is applicable to many things and situations).

As in:

1. Tila is running amok. This is a normal occurrence.
2. My brain is running amok. Also a normal occurrence.
3. My shoes are running amok. Why is it that you are always looking for a pair of shoes...and one is always missing? Do they hate you?  Do they get together in the middle of the night in your closet and decide to hide to drive you crazy in the morning at 5:00 am? (The fact that most likely Tila has run off with one of them doesn't factor into this. In fact, Tila found one buried in the cushions of a wing chair in my bedroom after a YEAR..yes, a year does not factor into this). This of course, was after I had given up all hope and purchased another pair that were similar to them.

The rain also happened during the Albuquerque Balloon Fiesta. This is one of the biggest and best events if you live in Albuquerque, and it ALWAYS leads to wind and rain. ALWAYS. It hadn't rained in months, but it chose to rain 2 or 3 days straight because you guessed it...the Balloon Fiesta was in town. Makes you wonder if God has a bit of a sense of humor. Well, of course God has a sense of humor. He gave someone the idea for the Chia Pet.

Have a Sunday where your world isn't going amok. ;-)


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