Saturday, August 6, 2011

The synonyms of dating...or being nicely dumped.

I know that I have mentioned that the new world of dating constantly amazes me. And I mean constantly. I am proud to mention, however, that I have moved from being hysterical every time things don't go the way I want them to (keep in mind I was (am)  a bit of a control freak) to just befuzzled. And a tad irritated.

The thing that I am realizing, bit by bit, is that there are evolving synonyms in the way that men (well, at least the men I am meeting) tell you that you have not met their ever evolving (revolving) criteria for what they are looking for in a woman. That is, if they are really looking. I think the thing about the new world of dating is that there is always someone better or of a "higher quality." Online dating gives you that option. You may "meet" a person one day who fits your criteria, but then "see" someone that fits it even better..and then your choice number one then becomes choice number two. It's like winning a contest to pick out clothes at Ann Taylor Loft, but you only have 2000 dollars. So you keep discarding clothes to pick the "best". That is exactly what online dating is like.

I don't fit the profile of online's just not the way I'm wired. If I actually meet someone that shows interest, I don't handle multi-tasking other men well.  It's interesting that I can do that in every other area of my life but that.   So I meet someone, we have a connection, and then the following things start to happen...

1. They start to contact me less. (This, of course I try to rationalize as being normal. It's good to be with people who actually have normal lives, and live it.)

However,  this usually (always)  leads to...

2. "I've been really busy, sorry." (Which I am sure it is true...being with people who have busy lives versus stalking kind of lives is a good thing, right?)

However, this usually (always)  leads to....

3. "You are a (fill in the blank with) great, amazing, classy, good, wonderful, person...but.....

You know most likely what happens after that.

Now I really do believe that I am all those above things, most of the time. I really do believe that anyone would be lucky to have me, most of the time.  But I am in a system that is kind of like the SBA testing system..there is always a higher bar to jump, and a lot of men are always looking to raise the bar to "something better".

I am sure (since I am learning many lessons in life) that there will come a day when I am the "something better" for someone. I am just not sure when that day will be. So for now, I am learning to really not get excited about someone who thinks on Wednesday I am the best thing since Coach purses started being sold at outlets.

Because everything changes in a minute.

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