Monday, July 18, 2011

The Dancing Thing

This is just a small observation, brought up by my efforts to get out and do something besides walk my dogs, and not develop more clip anxiety over riding my bike. I like music, and I love to dance. And you will be shocked and amazed to know that there are a lot of groups in the Albuquerque area that play in wineries, pubs, and restaurant like places. And they do this often. Who knew?

I've been at several places in the last couple of weeks that have had great bands, good friends, and fun adult beverages to drink. It's been fun...but I have noticed one interesting observation.

1. Men don't dance.
2. Women don't care that men don't dance, so they get up and do it together. Mostly in groups.

(Oops, that's two interesting observations)

I know you may be reading this and thinking, "Laura, where in the world have you been? These two observations are things that people have known for a long time. What in the world is wrong with you? Where in the world have you been all this time?"

Well...keep in mind...

1. I've been in the bubble, where I was too busy trying to pretend everything was ok. Who had time to go do fun things?
2. There is a lot wrong with me, however, that is another blog.
3. Please see back to number one.

Now to be honest, I have known that men don't dance. They typically do so after large quantities of adult beverages, or under duress from a wife/girlfriend/etc who gives them "the look", so they get up and do so. But I have to tell you...if you are single, and you are a man, and you even get out there with a bunch of women who ARE dancing..and even look goofy doing is highly appealing to women. Just saying.

The women dancing together thing is totally new to me, however. And my theory is it developed because of necessity. Women like dancing, and I imagine one day one stood up and said, " Damn it, I am tired of sitting here because my husband/boyfriend/whatever is a big doo doo head, and won't get up and dance with me. " So she stood up to do it, and since women tend to follow the crowd, it soon became acceptable to get up and dance...just to dance. And who cares who they are doing this with?  I have great admiration for people who follow and do what they feel, and don't worry much about what people think as they do it. This I observed last Friday, watching one particular woman on the dance floor. She was propelling herself about the floor like a helicopter, and then launched into some robotic type moves.  I realized two things from watching her:

1. I don't have to worry about how I dance after I saw her.  (Whew).
2. It is great to be totally, fiercely, yourself.

Wonder where the next great dancing  band will be? :)

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