Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Thoughts following a concert...

As the part of the continuing series of "The Stellar Life of Laura Moore" I decided to attend a concert on the Fourth of July.  I like to do things...but it seems since I have been out of the bubble, I haven't done such a great job in doing so..unless you count trips to Walmart and walking the dogs.  And since I have no intention of becoming the kind of person you see pushing a grocery cart down Southern Boulevard, serious  intervention was in order. With me being in charge of the interventions that are needed. (This is kind of an oxymoron..but I don't think Kitty and Tila would be very good at telling me what to do to better my life. They think walks and trips to the Bosque are just fine.)

I KNOW that people think I'm some kind of throwback from the 60s, when Beaver Cleaver had a perfect family, and June Cleaver would never been seen in a thong. If I utter a profane word, people react as if I have grown 3 heads and run off to Pango Pango. This is most likely because my favorite phrase of frustration is "Holy Cow" or "Rats." And I'll be honest..I'm not fond of certain profane language. I think there is a way to say you are mad using real words...like " I am really mad at you and would like you to jump off the Sandias at the moment." However, I have learned a long time ago not to ever judge anyone else...because when you do, God has a way of putting you in the same situation and then seeing how you handle it.   That's another story, however.

Where this is all leading to is that since I am cheap, and iTunes knows it, they offer albums to you to download at a discounted price.  I had heard one of Rhianna's songs, so when I saw the super discounted price (cha-ching!) I decided to buy it. And I loved the album. I loved singing (well, my version of singing) and dancing to it. I also love to dance..but I have anxiety that when I do, I look like Julia did on Steinfeld..so I don't do it in public often. But at home, and in the car..watch out!

I saw that Rhianna was coming to the Hard Rock Journal Pavilion, or whatever the heck they call it at the moment.  The last time I was there was with the mayor, where we saw Chicago and Earth, Wind, and Fire in Concert. I went to see Chicago, but Earth, Wind, and Fire really rocked the concert. I swear that the skinny guy  from EW & F, who must be 105 by this time, has more energy than 50 kindergarteners at Colinas after a Beach Day.

I debated back and forth in my head about going. I do that a lot, because doing it out loud means that you need professional mental help, for the most part. I finally decided to go on my own..the Fourth is big on family stuff,  and I knew most friends I knew would have other plans with ..well, their families. I mean after all, what was the worse that could happen to me?  I don't think anyone would stop and go "Look at that short dorky girl who is at the Rhianna concert by herself." They would be too busy watching Rhianna, drinking beer and adult beverages. However, they might watch me dance...but I was going to take the chance they would be dancing as well, and not noticing my stellar like dance moves.  :)

However, I did end up having company. Dena and Jacks came to spend a couple of days with me this weekend, and I mentioned to her that I was going. She said that she would go with me, and after clearing this with her husband...she was going to meet me at the Hard Rock Casino (or whatever the heck it is called at the moment) and we would leave from there.

We got to the concert, found a place to sit on the grass...and then the fun part of the concert began, which is people watching.  One of my favorite philosophies in life is "Just because you can wear it, doesn't mean you should."  I mean after all, a true oxymoron is a 3X person wearing a 3X tank top. Just wrong on many levels.   And there was lots of people watching to be done.  Ladies in 50 inch high heels. I think they did that to impress Rhianna, perhaps..although the chances to actually have her see you in an outfit were about as slim as a date with Will Smith for me.  Some people wore shorts..lots of people wore sleeveless tops, which was very appropriate since the temperature was a balmy 100 degrees or so.  However, our favorite outfit for the evening was a silver lame hot pants outfit. The person was in front of us, and looked rather like a "Disco Sausage."  However, she did wear it with great fidelity, and did some amazing dance moves as well. ( Note to me: I must see if I am even capable of such moves, or if my body could even make those configurations without ending up at Urgent Care).

After a rather unimpressive opening act, in which I couldn't even understand most of the words...and a very long wait, Rhianna arrived on the stage. Talk about technology...she (well, her producers had) things going on  that would make Paul Romero and the Rio Rancho IT team gasp in amazement. I don't think IT guys gasp a lot..they are too cool to do so. Perhaps they would have whipped out their laptops and taken notes or something.

This was not a G rated concert, however. Or even a PG rated concert. There were a lot of children there, but I am hopeful that they couldn't see the stage well, or were too busy running around with snow cones  to notice. She had outfits (well, lack of outfits) that I couldn't even wear when I was her age. Let's just say she has a lot of bikinis that she wore with great fidelity during the concert.  She is an amazing singer and dancer, and made some moves that would certainly improve your sex life, if you had one. Maybe she is a sexual therapist in her off time from being a singer.

The concert was great, though..and well worth the money. The most amazing thing is that they lowered a grand baby piano from the sky (with her on it) to the stage for the finale of the show. And she had on yet another amazing outfit..a dress that did flowing like stuff..with a wind machine whipping her hair and dress around, as she sang.  I kept wondering what would happen if the lines holding the piano up or down snapped. Perhaps they had her strapped in, and she would go flying around the stage, like Peter Pan. I must let them know about that. It would be amazing.  (I know, I think too much)

Then the concert was over..and the exodus to the parking lot began. I will say if we ever have a national disaster in this country, we are in big trouble. Civility and politeness go out the window when you are trying to get out of a huge parking lot with  5 zilliony tired (and most likely a bit intoxicated) Rhianna fans.  Note to the Hard Rock/Journal Pavilion employees: Traffic control would have been helpful. Although they already had our money, and most likely were already at home via a secret roadway by the time we found our car in the parking lot.

After Dena got us successfully out of the parking lot, and back to the Hard Rock casino, I headed home..at the wild hour of 1:00 in the morning. This is a time I haven't seen since...well, since the Mayor would keep me up explaining to me my numerous faults and areas of growth as a wife.  The dogs didn't even notice my arrival at home, which tells me that they would be no help at all in case I was ever attacked during the middle of the night.

This concert did open the window for me to realize that I can do more of this kind of thing..the getting out and doing fun stuff kind of thing. So I shall continue to do more. And if you'd like to join me, you are more than welcome to come anytime. I am an equal opportunity fun sharer.  :)

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