Monday, April 23, 2012

When the time is right...what is to be, becomes.

Yes, this is yet another blog about my dating experiences. Or lack thereof. If I am driving you crazy with this, just stop reading now. 

But I think you should read on. Just saying.

When I finished my Educational Specialist degree in Administrative Leadership (trying saying that fast three times) I started interviewing for assistant principal positions. Now this was the me that set a goal..wanted the goal..knew I could get the goal in 23.4 minutes. 

Silly Me.

Since I had been a teacher at the first school I interviewed at, everyone thought I would get the assistant principal position. Everyone. I mean, after all, didn't I work diligently and had great rapport with the staff and community? Everyone thought I would get it.

Everyone but the incoming principal, that is. 

After that first devastating job rejection, I went on to interview for assistant principal positions at four other schools. Each time I went in with great confidence and great hope. Each time I failed at getting the positions I had so much confidence and hope about. 

I was upset. After all, I had the qualifications for the jobs. After all, I had a lot of good experience and credibility in my field. And finally, I was supposed to get the positions that I applied for. I always had before. I didn't get it. I didn't get it at all. 

I was upset and twitching and all the things that you do when you are used to having things the way you want them and you don't get them.

And then it happened.

I interviewed for a sixth position, and I got the job. Now I will mention that there were some stumbling blocks about this process as well, but I did get the job. 

And (this will most likely not surprise you, but it did me) this was exactly the job that I was meant to get. Looking back, if I had gotten any of the other positions, it really wouldn't have been where I was meant to be, doing what I was supposed to be doing. 

So now here I am, going through the exhaustion and bewilderment that is the dating world of me. And just like the "Summer of rejection" as I liked to call it, the same things are happening to me with men that I meet and get to know. 

Except this time, the lines are a little different. They go like this:

" You are nice, but I've met the woman of my dreams".
"I have a great girlfriend now, but you are really nice".
"I really care about you, but not in the way that you want me to". 

And then my personal favorite.....

Yep, you are right...that big white space above this sentence  is the sound of silence.  The disappearing factor that some men excel at brilliantly. 

However, I did make a connection the other day between my summer of disappointment and trying to build a good relationship with a good man.  And it is this. When the time is right, what is to be, does become. The disappointments and heartbreaks and frustration and confusion teach you who you are, and help to mold you into a person that has a good sense of self..and what is right ..and what is settling.

So when the time is will become for me. And it will for you, too. I promise. 

Let me know when it happens....cause it will. :)

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