Saturday, April 14, 2012

The "Push Me Pull You" deal

I do a lot of thinking in my car. Between pretending I am Christina Aguilera, and solving world peace in my head, it is amazing that I haven't run a red light or run into someone. We will not count the times that I have slightly swerved into the medium while thinking. Just slightly, I might add.

I know that this will surprise no one..and doesn't surprise me anymore that my thoughts while driving led to the chaos and exhaustion of the dating world.  I have read so many books, looked at so many "What You ..Yes, I Mean You, Are Doing Wrong in Dating", websites, and blogs about what you should do or shouldn't do. All this information is enough to send you fleeing to the woods (or here in New Mexico, the mesa) wondering who/what/ to listen to for help.

It's exhausting.

However, as much as I much as I ask and listen to others... (and thank goodness once again for my friends who need some kind of humanitarian award for helping me) I am beginning to have a voice and a mind of my own about this stuff.

When I was little, there was a movie about Doctor DoLittle. Doctor DoLittle was a vet (I think)who knew how to speak various animal languages. He sets off from his village, which is Pubbleby-On-The-Marsh (best village name ever) in search of the Giant Pink Sea Snail. 

Yes, I know..this Pink Sea Snail doesn't look pink, and is very fake looking..but you have to remember, the original Doctor Dolittle movie was made in 1967.

Anywho, as Doctor DoLittle travels around the world looking for the fake pink snail, he meets a very unique animal....

Behold the  Pushmi-Pullyu .

The Pushmi-Pullyu is a funky mix between a llama and a gazelle..and whenever it starts to go somewhere, both the heads start to go in opposite directions. Now this could be an issue, it seems to me. 

But it also reminded me what relationships and the dating world can be like.

You knew I was coming to a point sometime, didn't you?

Although I have read this, and been told this, please keep in mind I am a slow learner. But it does seem as if one dating person pulls away, this causes the other dating person to push forward. Kind of a cause and effect thing.

We all seem to want what is out of our reach...

And when what we want is readily available, it's just not as enticing as it was when it was out of our reach. 

Now I know that eventually the pushing and pulling subsides, because people do get married and live together in a relationship type of thing. But it is just beyond me why you have to play the push you pull me game in order to keep someone interested in you. 

It's exhausting, dating is.  Guess I will have to keep a color coded flowchart of when I am supposed to push...and then when I pull.

Hmmmm, now this could have possibilities. 

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