Saturday, October 1, 2011

Are you a Good Witch? Or A Bad Witch?

I always loved watching the Wizard of Oz growing up. This was of course back when it only came on once a year..and it was a BIG deal. It was usually on Sunday nights..and my sisters and I would sit on the floor, filled with anticipation and dread. I loved the first part of the movie..Ms. Glitch on her bike (da da da da da da daaa.) the tornado spinning the house in Oz, the Munchkins, the Scarecrow, The Lion, and the Tin man.

And then there was the Wicked Witch of the West. (shudder)

I did not like the latter part..especially the flying monkeys and The Wicked Witches' henchmen.  I really got upset when the flying monkeys tore the scarecrow apart..and when the henchmen said that chant. (ooo eee oooo eeee ooooo aaa). But the Wicked Witch did melt at the end, Dorothy figured out that she already had everything she needed where she was, and the Tin Man did get his heart..although he had it anywho.

This sounds suspiciously like my life, I might add.

Just like the movie, I was looking forward to this school year with anticipation and dread. Anticipation because I love the group of people that I work with...dread because things were changing and moving faster than the tornado did that lifted Dorothy's house off to Oz.

It looks like we're not in Kansas anymore, either.

I knew this year would be harder on everyone. We had staffing cuts, due to budget and to our school population. For the first time since I've become the principal, we were forced to combine grade that our class sizes wouldn't reach 35 or 40. We have Special Education teachers working with different grade levels, and even some General Education teachers doing the same.  Our district has always been a huge proponent of lower class sizes and staffing so that our children get the maximum support. With the budget shrinking faster than the Tin Man's heart, this was not possible this year. And things had to change.

And no one likes the changes much, I might add.

Since I've been in administration, I have noticed ebbs and flows in a school year. It always seems like there is a HUGE dip in November. ...and then again in the spring, especially when there is a long stretch between breaks. This year, we have hit the dip in September...which is scary. Everyone is working hard, stretched to their limit, and exhausted. On top of less staff and support, we are expected to do target more specific needs, and perhaps do a backflip to show that we can juggle data, support families that are also struggling to stay afloat, and have some semblance of a personal life.

I have always been a person who likes it when people are happy and content. (Amazingly enough, there are actually people that don't like it when people are happy..but that's another story).  The staff that work at Colinas work harder than anyone I know..and they have a level of excellence that they expect to stay at each year..but this year is different entirely.

And I didn't know what to do.

I LIKE to know what to's the teacher in me, it's the people pleaser in's me. I like it when people are happy and content. In short, I  have visions of being a shorter, darker haired version of the Glinda, the Good Witch.

Silly me.

This year, I have had to be more direct than I have ever had to be. Ever. Because of the expectations that are coming from the state; and also because we want to make sure that every child has the support that they need..and that we give the support that is needed for both the students and the staff to do so.  Part of this I agree with...we do need to look at data and best practices to ensure we are doing the right things for our kids..and back our ideas with solid data and best practices. Part of this I don't agree with..constraints and guidelines that don't make logical sense, and most importantly, aren't fair to the students and the teachers.

All of the above made me feel at times as if I was now the very person I was terrified of each year...

This of course, will not do. At all. She definitely has bad hair care.

All of this left me exhausted and befuzzled and sad. I wasn't sure what I could do to make it better for everyone...since the circumstances weren't going to change..or to help everyone...because of course I like to be helpful. 

And then I started to think. This of course is in conjunction with the books that I've been reading about how to stay present in the "now" to be the person you want to be..even though everything around you is not what you want it to be. 

I have the power to change that. I do have the power to change one thing. I can't change the circumstances of this year, or what is going on in my life (like where in the world is Mr. Right...or Mr. Kinda almost Right) but I can change my attitude about how I feel.  Our very wise counselor at Colinas (who actually IS
our Glinda, the Good witch) told me a quote by Victor Frankl, which says, " Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom. " 

I can choose my response to all this. I can choose to face the circumstances, but still respond in the way that  is positive and affirming. I can choose to come to school each day..and face my life each day with making the very best responses I can in the very best of difficult circumstances. And in doing so, perhaps there is a chance that I can still do the job I was hired to do...and support the people that I care about. 

I have the power.

I think I'm buying the wall hanging above for Christmas presents..or maybe putting it on T-shirts. :)

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