Sunday, February 20, 2011

The things that I think at times

I remember when I became principal, our executive director of elementary curriculum (who I would like to be when I grow up..she is an amazing person) told me that the first year I was principal, I would think it was easy. The second year, a light bulb would begin to shine above my head as I realized I was a little over my head, and by the third year, I would realize how much I didn't know.

Of course, she was right.

The expulsion from the bubble has been quite the same way. I swear, if you would look up the word "naive" in the dictionary, it would have a picture of my big old head beside it.  The more that I learn outside this bubble, the more that I am amazed. (and befuzzled, and quite confused at times as well.)

So let me share some of the things I have learned...or still trying to learn.

  1. People like it when you are a good friend, but some do not reciprocate  the favor. A good friend also is a good friend to you as well. Friendship is not a one way street. 
  2. When someone tells you "I am confused" or "I need time to figure things out" or "When I get things figured out, we can hang out together" they are really telling you nicely, "I'm not interested."  (This I figured out yesterday...and I literally mean yesterday.)
  3. Some men actually do like romantic poems, flower gifts,  and stuff like that on their Facebook page. (Really? Really?)  This sends out a "Danger, Danger, Will Robinson" signal to me. 
  4. Babies and puppies are really just the just has a longer tail.
  5. No matter what you do, someone is going to like what you do...and others will not. So do what you want to do, but do it from your moral core.
  6. You can not fly below the radar, and then mumble that no one knows who you are. So stop it. (This is directed to me). 
  7. Watch how someone is around waiters, or salespeople..this will be a hint to you how they will be around you..when they are no longer trying to impress you. (This I read in the Oprah magazine this morning). 
  8. If you are doing all the contacting, and the other person is not..that should tell one something. Hopefully I will learn this someday. Sigh.
  9. When all else fails, go for a walk..take dogs with you..and be thankful for all that you have..and all that can some in your life.
  10. Cloudy Sundays are good days for naps. :)

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