Thursday, January 20, 2011

You can't go home again..

I know I will bring up my dating (or lack of dating) a lot in this blog. So if this bores you, just click away from the blog now. And please keep in mind I am 13 in dating years.

So far, not a lot has happened to me dating wise. I know it's reported that women are fickle, but holy cow, so are men. Or something. I have no clue. Please keep in mind that I like to be able to understand things in my small brain, and the only thing that I have learned that is I don't understand AT ALL. (did I mention AT ALL?)

The latest incident (or life lesson, if you want to be more technical) involves a man that I met last year. We talked some, texted a lot (by the way, texting seems to be the new way to call, rather than talk..but that's another story).  We met one time, talked, tried to walk his dog (who he had taken on a long mountain hike the day before, and could barely move) and then I left to go home. For some reason, Rio Rancho (where I live, and is about 30 minutes) from Albuquerque, seemed like some foreign country to him. And then, after the texting, and the talking, and the professions of how wonderful I was, guess what happened? Yes, he disappeared.


Of course, this was during the period where I freaked out over any small disturbance in my dating life force, and my poor friends had to spend a week or so convincing me he was not the right person for me. And after spending many days listening the many reasons I was not he felt the need to disappear, I did go back to my regularly scheduled programming of life.

Until last week.

We e-mailed back and forth a couple of times, then he asked me to text him. So of course, I did. However, this time, I was a bit wiser, and when I began to see the same "texting pattern" begin again, I set some boundaries of what worked for me.  Of course he realized that. Of course he was sorry that he just disappeared. Of course he thought I was special.

Until last night.

Now in the past, you usually got bad news over the phone, or in a letter..maybe even in an e-mail. This was through a text. Apparently, he had just ended a relationship, and was "using me" as comfort for the moment. He of course, was sorry. He wasn't able "to give" at this point in time, and I deserved more.

Well, that was right.

I have always been excellent at being "deliberately vague"..and I was brought up to be polite. So at first I was. I understood, I appreciated his honesty, hopefully we could go out as friends sometime.

Then I thought about it.

I texted back, and let him know that although I appreciated his honesty, he just basically repeated what he did to me the first time we met. I was a diversion...and he somehow managed happened to have a relationship after me after being constantly busy..and all I was this time was a diversion again.


However, this time, I let him know that, and let him know that I wasn't a diversion..I was a person that deserved better. And I do, really. I do.

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