Tuesday, June 5, 2012

The Nice thing

In my continuing effort to figure on what the heck is going on in the world (and my place in it) I have been doing some serious thinking lately while I walk the dogs. Serious thoughts go on while walking, mostly because there is not a lot to distract me except for looking at the world..and that leads to thinking more of what in the heck is going on in the world, and my place in it. It's like a Laura Numeroff Circle type book.

Surely you know about these books. If you do not, run quickly to a bookstore or library and read them.  Or ask a child in first grade or Kindergarten about them. 

I am a person, for good or for bad, that tends to see the world through a sparkly type lens. You know, the kind that illuminates the world and makes people in it look wonderful and like they are from some kind of movie whose name escapes me at the moment. It will come to me in the middle of the night, or while I am taking a shower or walking the dogs. You know this fact is true. It's kind of like when you have a profound statement that you wished you had said at the time of the conversation, where you would seem all powerful and knowledgable and like Tony Robbins in your wisdom. Of course, this never happens. You stammer and shake your head instead, and then kick yourself silently afterwords. 

Yes, I have been watching Tony Robbins on Oprah and her life tour. Do not roll your eyes at me about this. He is very wise and inspirational like..except I do think he has laryngitis  or something to that effect. 

Now back to my profound thoughts.

I have decided that I need some kind of IEP or an intervention plan to be able to discern between nice and not so nice. This plan is necessary because I have a tendency to make everyone that I meet into a nice person. This I really think is not such a bad thing, unless you are like me and start rationalizing why they are still nice even though they are jerking you around and being a little...well...mean.

My thinking goes like this:
  • "I don't think he meant to hurt me when he mentioned another woman in the middle of our conversation. " 
Or my favorite question that drives most of my friends to drink:

  • "That was mean? Really?"
Fortunately I have people who are still my friends who care enough about me (thank goodness)  to tell me the truth as I try to figure things out. People do hurt other people. Some intentionally...Some unintentionally. I am guilty as much as anyone at hurting people. That's the way life goes. We hurt people and they think we are mean or nice...because it is all about your perspective and the way you view the world. 

I think even Tony Robbins would agree with me about that. I wonder if he has a question phone hot line? 

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