Saturday, February 4, 2012

We Don't Remember Days...We Remember Moments

Sometimes the planets align and the time-space continuum tilts just the right way..perhaps to recognize that every once in a while things need to be...well, well in the world.

Last Saturday was one of those days. 

You may have noticed (or not) that I have not mentioned dating/trying to understand someone who has stopped seeing me lately.  I have decided that it is bad karma or bad ju ju to do so...although this a flawed theory, most likely. It's like you attract what you don't proclaim..or if you proclaim it, it doesn't sustain. (I am always thinking of good T-shirt slogans, I might add).

However, lately I have been seeing this amazing person. He is kind, he is funny, he is smart, he is generous and good at keeping me off balanced and on my toes. That's a very good thing for me, and very rare to find. Trust me. 

I couldn't tell you at this point what our relationship (or non-relationship) is like at this point in time. The important thing is that we have fun together,and I need to stay neutral, like Switzerland.  So we are friends that have fun. 

Now on to the amazing day.

If you know anything about me, you know that a big thrill for me is getting a new Sharpie.  I'm pretty easy to please. But my world usually consists of going to school, walking the dogs, visiting Torturous Dave at the gym, trying to ride my bike, doing things with my friends.

Which is not a bad world, I might add.

He had told me a while ago that we should go sometime to the 10,000 Waves Spa place. Now I had heard of this place, which is located outside Santa Fe, but I never had gone there.  So when he called me and asked if I'd like to go with him,  I was very excited. I would be going out of town, to a very neat place, with a very good friend, and have fun.

Bonus.  :)

We drove up to Santa Fe in his little restored Porsche that was born the year Whitney was. It was an absolutely beautiful day...the kind in which the sky is really blue, the weather is absolutely perfect, and my platoon of angels are breathing a sigh of relief...perhaps taking a nap.

These are a little fruity, but hopefully you get the point.

We drove through Santa Fe...which is a treat in itself. Such a mix of funky, eclectic, and different. We stopped at this little store in which I was allowed to buy him a yummy fruit drink, and we browsed around, looking at all the different and unique things to eat. 

As we took the ride up the mountain to the Spa, I caught my breath a bit. The last time I had traveled this road, it was with Reid. I was taking him up to snowboard at Ski Santa Fe.  It was one of those moments that drag you back into grief just a bit, but it quickly passed as we pulled into 10,000 Waves. 

Nice to see that you can burn calories while you walk to the spa.

As we were walking up, he noticed the lights along the path. Now one thing I should mention is that he owns a lighting lights are what he does. He did point out to me that he would have never installed the kind of lights that were on the path...the wires were open in some sort of hole, and the elements could get in.

Behold the stinky lights.

47 calories later, we got to the top of the walk where the spa was located.  When you walk in, there is a little river inside, filled with Koi fish, all waiting to be fed. Unfortunately, there is a very stern sign that tells you not to feed them. Rats. So after waving a sad goodbye to them, we checked in and went into our little spa area.


On the way to our little spa..take a right.

This was like our own little private world. The spa guy (named "Buddha Bob") gave us a special key that opened up the the world to the Ichiban spa. It was a little world within the spa.

Double Wow.

When we first entered, there was a little area to the right before the hot tubs that you showered and rinsed off in preparation for entering the hot tubs. And there was a sauna beside it that made me feel like I was living in Georgia again. (hello, humidity). After we changed and I had fun spraying him with the shower nozzle that you could move around..we went into the hot tubs.


The water was warm..the air outside was cold..and when the wind blew slightly through the pines, it was the most serene feeling in the world. When I heard we had 90 minutes to enjoy this bliss, I was a bit worried it would be too long. But it flew by, and when they called through the intercom to give us a "15 minute warning" I was amazed. 

After checking out the very different Japanese did everything but talk to you..we went back into the shower area, washed off, used the nice warm towels that he had placed so thoughtfully in the dressed, and went back into the main building.

My hair was soaked, my face was red, my makeup was smeared, but my heart was happy and peaceful. 

Thanks for the happy day. 

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