Saturday, March 3, 2012

The Drama of It All.

There are two kinds of people.

Well, there may be more than two kinds of people, but for the sake of this post, we are concentrating on the two kinds I have been thinking about lately. We will discuss other kinds of people at another point...when I think about those types, most likely.

Back to the two kinds of people.

I know that I have mentioned several times that I pretty much led a life of complete "bubble-i-zation" (yes, that is a new word) until the last six years ago, when my little bubble like world burst.  I would like to mention that I have learned more in the last six years about the world, and people in it, than I did in the previous years I was a person. I think the biggest part of it all is watching people in this world and the way that they operate in it.

It's fascinating ..and a little scary at times.

The biggest benefit (if you can really call it that) out of Reid's death is that my whole perspective on the world and everyone in it has changed.  I remember I used to dissolve over things that in retrospect, meant absolutely nothing in the grand scheme of what we call this world. I mean, I was upset in High School when I didn't make the first chair for the violas in the orchestra. I was upset when I didn't make straight As in College.  I was upset when I applied for 5 different assistant principal positions one summer (I called it my administrative summer tour) and didn't get a single one.

And then I finally got it. Yes, I am a slow learner.

This perspective helped me to see that in the large scheme of things, peace, tranquility, and a sense of self is so much more important than what you have, who you are, or the stuff that is going on around you. Because you can't change a thing about the stuff around you. I thought I could (silly me) but perspective and time have taught me that the only thing I can control is my reaction and my response to things.

This leads me back to the two types of people.

Type One : These are the kind of people I like to be around. They view the world as an adventure and a chance to learn new things. They don't throw a tantrum when a less than stellar car driver cuts them off on the road. They laugh when a small child spills grape juice on them. They help you see the world as a learning lesson..and that people (although some are strange, some are weird, all are different) are worth knowing and learning lessons from. They don't take everything so seriously. They've not naive, but they have wisdom and grace in viewing people and things.

Type Two: This group is exhausting. This group is what I think of as the "stirrers". Nothing is worth it unless it is filled with drama, gossip, and doing their best to undermine people or systems. They see themselves as completely justified in doing what they have to do to people. Their intentions are deliberate, and involving everyone and broadcasting what they are doing.  They never stop long enough to think that there might be a good reason for what people are doing..or that everyone is doing what they do with the worse of intentions. But nothing is more exciting than the drama of it all..and involving everyone into their world of drama.

Now everyone has a little bit of group 1 and group 2 in them. The issue is to decide in which group you want to live the majority of your time in this world.  I have to admit that I lived in group 2 when I lived in crazy was all about the drama of it all. And when I left, it took time and hard work not to fall into the cycle of it again. And I am so much happier without it.

I think the thing of it all is that you have to decide what world you want. To me, tranquility  and the joy of the world as a huge classroom full of "learning lessons" is so much better than a world in which the drama of it all supersedes any chance you have for existing in a serene world where people are respected..and given a chance to peacefully coexist.

And the amazing thing is that you can find as much (or even more) fulfillment and fun in a world that is not  filled with drama and chaos. Really. You can.

I have. :)

1 comment:

  1. do you have the rights to that beautiful picture?
    I'd love to use it. My contact is
