Tuesday, December 6, 2011

The grass (or the snow) is always greener on the other side.

I am now on Snow Day...the "Day Two" edition. 

I have always loved snow. Always. To me, it makes the world peaceful, and it makes the world seem like a place where everything is perfect. Growing up in North Carolina, snow days were rare, and definitely a treat. We would get our sleds that were sitting in the closet beside the breezeway getting dusty, and head off to High Point College, where my sisters and my friends would take our lives into our hands as we sped down the hill. The biggest danger was running into people, and occasionally the big oak trees around the hill. In North Carolina, the schools shut down more for ice than they did for snow..but any mention of snow usually paralyzed the city. 

I was totally surprised when I moved to New Mexico that it was so cold here. The only reference I ever had to New Mexico, however, were the Bugs Bunny or Roadrunner cartoons. They showed a barren desert..and no one wore coats in the cartoons, I might add. So it was a delightful shock when I moved here, and it was cold, and there was snow on top of it. Bonus.

(My backyard yesterday in the snow..even the birdhouse is covered).

Rio Rancho got hit with a big snow storm yesterday..and it was a really big one. We got a half a foot of snow. It was strange, for parts of Albuquerque (which is less than 15 minutes away) got none. Absolutely nothing. I understand this happens a lot because of the winds that whip in from the mountain, and drive the snow to other places. In this case, the other place was Rio Rancho. I will mention that other years Albuquerque has gotten a butt load of snow, while Rio Rancho got nothing. So fair is fair. 

So Monday I woke up to a lot of falling snow, and many calls that informed me that we were delayed..and then school was called off. So I had a day that was total bliss..snuggling up in a blanket, watching Christmas movies, drinking hot coffee and Russian tea, and....

Taking Kitty for a walk. Several times, in fact. Some things in your life NEVER change. 

It was fun to walk, however. Nothing clears your mind and makes you appreciate the world more than walking in fresh snow that is sparkling like a field of diamonds, and watching a 12 year old dog frolic and prance like a puppy in it.  Loved it...just loved it.

As you may know, I have a lot of time to think, since it's just usually me and the dogs..and this past four days, it's just been me and Kitty..cause Tila is on her "shared custody" weekend with Whitney. And that gives me even more time to think because I am not on watch from the snatching jaws of Tila..or throwing her wubba for hours on end while trying to read a book or work at the same time. So double thinking time was involved.  

So here it is. We all want things that we do not have..and when we have them, we want the things we didn't have.

The snow day(s) are a perfect example. Everyone wants a day off of school, but when you get them off, then you start thinking about all the things you need to do at school, so then you start wishing you didn't have the snow day, and were back at school. And THEN when you are back at school, you start wishing you had a snow day off from all the stuff that is going on at school. 

It's just the nature of us humans.

Families are another example. I remember thinking when I had four children at home that a day in you know where for me would be at a Pizza Hut, washing clothes constantly. And a day in heaven would be an afternoon all to myself, instead of spending 5 minutes in the bathroom, and hearing the word "Mom?" constantly.  Of course, now that I have lots of minutes to myself, I miss the chatter of a thousand voices (perhaps I exaggerate a bit, but you get the picture) around me.

It's human nature once again. 

So in my new "Learning Life Lessons" of life, I try to keep in mind that whatever situation I am in, I need to enjoy the situation of what the "now" is, and not worry about the "what ifs" and the "I need tos". Because school and the stuff you need to do will always be there...your family and the things you "should do" will always be there. But the unexpected moments where you have a chance to sled with your children, and walk with your dog will not always come..so be in them when they're here. 

Cause it's the "now" that matters most of all. 

Wonder where my sled is now?  :-)

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