Sunday, March 31, 2013

When You Let Go...

I am sure that out there in the wide universe of thinking, there is someone (whose name escapes me at the moment) that says when you let something go,  you leave room for the good things you deserve to come into your life.

And if no one has said this, then I am a genius of thought. (Those of you who know me well can stop laughing now).

I will say that whoever said this, it is very true. When you are holding on to stuff that you need to let go of, and you don't...your mind or your life is so cluttered that the good stuff just doesn't have room to come in.  There just isn't room to let it in.

And my mind is very guilty of this. Very.

I have been holding on to a bad idea for a long time. I'm not sure why. It was bad for me, made me anxious and a bit preoccupied. Because for some odd reason, although it wasn't a good thing..I wanted it just the same. Although I knew in the head part of me that it wasn't a positive thing, the heart part was just demanding that I hang on to it.

And then, being the slow learner I am, I woke up to the truth of it all.

1. If it doesn't bring you peace, let it go.
2. If it makes you anxious in your soul, run like the wind.
3. If ALL your friends are telling you what a mistake it is, please be smart and listen to their wisdom.
 And last, but most importantly...

4. Realize that you are worthy enough to not expect anything but what you truly deserve, and gives you steps 1-3 above.

So I did.

Let go, that is.

And this is the amazing, amazing thing of it all. So listen carefully.

When you finally figure out what you should have, and what you deserve, and you let the bad stuff go...

You leave a HUGE space for all the good stuff to come rushing in. (Well, perhaps not rushing, but it does come in).

And you start to see that by seeing that you are amazing, and worthy of the best, you start to see the best.


I promise.

And if I can do it, so can you.

So try it, and let me know how it goes for you.

And you're welcome. :-)

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